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Ensure your key initiatives are on track with the new Initiative Tracking Module

Top of mind for every engineering leader and technical program manager are questions like:

  • What are people currently working on?
  • How are strategic cross-org initiatives progressing?
  • What’s going well?
  • Where are the issues?

The Initiative Tracking module answers those questions and then some. It’s where you come to make sure engineering is appropriately staffed and working on the right things and your most high-priority projects. You can keep critical work on track and understand what is running behind, and you can utilize this visibility to make better decisions with your partners in Product and Finance.

Visibility into all your initiatives, sliced and diced the way you want to look at it, will help you make faster and sounder decisions based on progress to goal, estimated remaining time, completed and outstanding work, and who’s working on what.

The Initiative Tracking Module is available under the Initiative Tracking folder within Faros Reports. It is a premium add-on in the Faros platform; please contact Faros for more information.

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