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Automated R&D Cost Capitalization. Hallelujah!

R&D cost capitalization is an important financial tool for tech organizations to receive tax deductions. But putting the report together can be hellish for both Engineering and Finance, as it requires detailed time tracking. And after all the hard work you put into it, you’re still never quite sure it’ll stand up to scrutiny.

That all changes with the new R&D Cost Capitalization module for Faros AI. Gone are the spreadsheets and frantic nights fretting over this task. Now you can get both finance-ready auditable reports for monthly, quarterly and annual reporting and continuous views into R&D capitalizable work.

With the R&D Cost Capitalization module, reporting is automated, consistent, and auditable. Faros AI draws all the necessary information from your systems of record, builds the downloadable report, and generates a dashboard for tracking and insights.

Getting started is easy. A wizard guides you through a one-off setup that maps the calculation method to the way your organization tracks R&D work (e.g., by initiative or epic) and translates effort to time (e.g. by story points, time in-progress or other).

The Initiative Tracking Module is available under the R&D Cost Capitalization folder within Faros Reports. It is a premium add-on in the Faros platform; please contact Faros for more information.

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